
News… The Role of Burger Viruses in Cancer.
Polyoma viruses discovered in meat can survive cooking and pasteurization. Watch Video  Gene therapy "seems extraordinary" at fighting blood cancer in study, experts say.  An experimental gene therapy that turns a patient’s own blood cells into cancer killers worked in a major study, with more than one-third of very sick lymphoma patients showing no sign of disease six months after a single treatment, its maker said Tuesday.

In all, 82 percent of patients had their cancer shrink at least by half at some point in the study. 
Read more...  New Gene Therapy for Cancer Offers Hope to Those With No Options Left 

by Maggie Fox   

Dimas Padilla thought he was dying for sure.

He'd been through the wringer with a type of blood cancer called non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. First, he tried chemotherapy, and then, when the cancer came back a year and a half later, he underwent a bone marrow transplant.

But last year, when it came back again, he believed he was out of options.

"I was losing my battle against cancer," Padilla, a 43-year-old sales representative, told NBC News.

Then he found out about an experimental therapy that's a step beyond bone marrow transplants. 
Read more...  The Longer You're Overweight, the Greater Your Risk of Cancer. According to recent research, the longer a woman is overweight, the more likely she is to develop breast, endometrial, colon or kidney cancer. Obesity is indeed a known risk factor for cancer, so this finding in and of itself is not surprising. Read more... The Clinical Use of Nutritional Ketosis Eating a high-quality, high-fat diet may be one of the most useful interventions for many chronic diseases. Dr. Jeanne Drisko, who heads up the University of Kansas Integrative Medical Center, has used this nutritional protocol in a clinical setting for many years now. Read more... How Diet and Nutrition Influence Cancer. Read more...  Exercise Can Lower Your Risk of a Dozen Cancers by 20 Percent. Read more...  How a high fat diet helps starve cancer.  Read more.....

Quora. New Most Promising Oncology Drugs Currently in Development. Read more...

Fierce Biotech.  Special Reports: 10 promising late stage cancer drugs. Read more... 

U.S. News & World ReportRead more . . .

Huffington Post.  Read news...

Medical News Today (MNT). Health news since 2003.
Complementary Medicine/Alternative Medicine.  Read news...

Medscape. WebMD web site  Read news...

Newsmax health. Integrative Medicine.  Read news... 
Newsmax health. Cancer. Read news...

Science Daily. The latest research news.  Read news...
Cancer news. Read news...

Johns Hopkins Medicine
. Integrative Medicine Digestive Center news. Read more . . .

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Read more . . .